
Gifts for the King

Ross Hayden. Frankincense BurnerThe men from the East see the star halting
Over the place where the Christ Child lies.
Their long journey seemingly at an end;
His just beginning.

They present their costly gifts
To the Child King.
“Look at me!” Gold boldly proclaims,
“I am indeed a gift fit for a King”.

  • Frankincense speaks slowly and deliberately,
    “To benefit from me you have to burn me:
    You can’t keep me forever like my brother, Gold.
    My scent, however, lingers much longer than my fire.”

    Only Myrrh is left to speak.
    She quietly whispers but three words:
    And tears”.

    Joseph takes a live ember from off the fire
    And places it in a pot of clay.
    Mary chooses a tear of golden frankincense
    And sits it carefully on the red hot coal.

    Thick curls of heavy smoke
    Wind slowly from the glowing coal.
    Sizzling, melting, boiling
    Yet smelling exotically divine.

    The Magi bow low
    And withdraw from the sacred scene,
    Taking the fragrance with them,
    Their new assignment just beginning.

    Ross Hayden © 2001 Salalah, Sultanate of Oman